The Legend of Ol' Green Eyes

"The Legend of Ol' Green Eyes"

If Georgia has its own adaptation of the Loch Ness Monster, than Green Eyes is surely it. Since the immediate aftermath of the battle until present day, sightings of the mythical ghost have been common.  Although Green Eyes isn't the only ghostly apparition sighted or rumored at Chickamauga, it is without a doubt the most illustrious. 

All jokes aside, Chickamauga battlefield is a proper location for a green eyed ghost to be wandering around. The amount of death, destruction, blood, and horror that took place there remind everyone of why the battle was the second bloodiest. This atmosphere is the perfect spot for a restless spirit to drift along scaring tourists. 

Although there is no clear definition of what exactly 'Ol green eyes looks like, many have described his appearance. From a seven foot tall ape-like beast with piercing green eyes, to a sharp fanged ghoul with long hair. The only thing the various accounts and descriptions have in common is that they all mention the green eyes. In 1980, a park ranger named Ed Tinney reported his encounter with what he believed to be Green Eyes.  "I could see his hair was long like a woman’s. The eyes - I’ll never forget those eyes - they were glaring, almost greenish-orange in color, flashing like some sort of wild animal. The teeth were long and pointed like fangs.. I didn’t know whether to run or scream or what. Then the headlights of an approaching car came blazing through the fog, and the thing disappeared right in front of me."

I have yet to see any ghostly figures at Chickamauga Battlefield. Yet, I still keep an eye out for one. Critics will argue the validity of the eye witness accounts; as no one ever seems to see Green Eyes during mid day in the sunlight. But the numerous amounts of unknown graves, and the sheer number of men killed do say something about the legend. 

Whether or not Green Eyes is a Union army ghost destined to wander the earth for eternity, or a mountain lion with unusually bright green eyes, it is evident that both locals and historians are fascinated by the legend. The modern day historian knows that primary sources and references are crucial to determining what really happened. But some things cannot be explained by fact or reason. The supernatural has never been bound by historical accuracy, and it probably never will. Although after 150 years, no one has ever caught or photographed Green Eyes. And probably no one ever will. 

Author: Adam Gilbert, April 14, 2015

Further Reading:
The Chickamauga Campaign - A Mad Irregular Battle: From the Crossing of Tennessee River Through the Second Day, August 22 - September 19, 1863. David Powell. 
The Truth about Chickamauga - Primary Source Edition. Archibald Gracie

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